(800) 425-0873 info@grocommunity.org

Adult Re-entry Clinical Workforce Development

Adult Re-entry Clinical Workforce Development Men that are on parole or have engagement with the criminal justice, and are obtaining clinical services from GRO Community, qualify for our workforce development program. Men engage in a half day of intensive cognitive...

Transitional Housing

Transitional Housing GRO Community provides housing to young men that are between the ages of 17 and 21 in the care of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). GRO specializes in providing clinical and workforce development to ensure when young men...

Gun Violence Prevention Services

Gun Violence Prevention Services Research shows when living in communities with high crime and gun violence, a host of mental and behavioral conditions can develop, including anxiety, depression, aggression, and addictions. GRO Community helps trauma-impacted males...

Social Emotional Learning in Schools

Social Emotional Learning in Schools GRO Community partners with schools, government institutions, and community-based agencies to provide trauma-impacted male Cognitive Behavioral Therapy sessions. We utilize an evidence-based, skill-building curriculum to support...

Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling Our counseling services assist clients in recognizing thinking patterns that result in problematic behavior.  GRO Counselors use recreational activities such as video games and sports to build a therapeutic relationship with clients. GRO...

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